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France, UK: Speed Cameras Disabled
Multiple speed cameras taken out of service by vigilantes in England and France.

Firmi, France speed cameraVigilantes in Essex, England have taken sixteen speed cameras out of service over the past five years. According to the Essex Chronicle, officials spent £83,300 (US $107,900) to repair thirteen devices that were set on fire and three that were rammed.

In Bernay, France, vigilantes have been destroying speed cameras, Paris Normandie reported. The most recent attack set fire to the camera on the D438 in Plasnes. The cameras on the CD133 in Menneval and the RD613 in Perriers-la-Campagne were scorched last week Sunday. In Firmi, the speed camera on the RD840 was spraypainted orange last week Sunday, according to Centre Presse Aveyron.