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Scottsdale, Arizona Making Millions with Photo Radar
Freeway speed camera revenue in Scottsdale, Arizona grows to nearly $3 million with no signs of slowing.
Photo radar units on the Loop 101 freeway in Scottsdale, Arizona have generated more than $2,894,766 in revenue since the set of six speed cameras were activated on February 22. As of May 3, the city mailed 18,438 citations worth between $157 and $201 each. Australian vendor Redflex takes a $42.48 cut of the profit on each ticket the company is able to generate.
Proponents of the system, including Scottsdale officials and Redflex, claimed their goal was not to generate revenue and that violations would drop over time. The most recent data now show that the number of tickets issued and violations has not dropped from the level before the system began collecting money. Scottsdale spokesman Pat Dodds told the East Valley Tribune newspaper that the system has been effective and that the city simply needs more time to issue additional citations.
Scottsdale police have also used camera photographs as the only evidence to arrest four individuals for speeding "excessively."
Source: Leadfoots return to Loop 101 (East Valley Tribune (AZ), 5/7/2006)
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