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Colorado Sheriff Uses Illegal License Plates
The Elbert County, Colorado Sheriff is caught trying to avoid paying DMV fees by illegally transferring license plates on police cars.

Colorado police carElbert County, Colorado Sheriff William Frangis has been banned from using government license plates on his police cars after his office was caught a second time illegally transferring plates from one car to another to avoid paying fees.

"They would have a random extra set of plates at the office and put them on any car they wanted," Elbert County Clerk Amy Fordyce told the Denver Post. "We would get arrested for that."

This is the second time that Frangis has been caught violating the law regarding license plates earlier. The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) warned him on February 15 that each license plate was assigned to a specific vehicle and it was unlawful to transfer plates from old vehicles to new ones to avoid DMV fees.

Having lost the government plate privilege, Frangis must now buy fifteen standard civilian plates which carry much higher fees and taxes. In March, the DMV also warned Frangis about seven license plates issued for covert operations on undercover vehicles after Frangis and his deputies were seen displaying these plates on cars used for commuting.

Source: Sheriffs license tags revoked (Denver Post, 10/27/2006)

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