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France Incinerates Speed Cameras
Dozens of speed cameras were knocked out of commission last week in Canada, France, Germany and Italy.

Incinerated French speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

After being upstaged by Italy's anti-speed camera hero "Fleximan" for more than a month, vigilantes in France last week stepped up their game. A set of four speed cameras were destroyed in the Orne department of France on Saturday. Vigilantes cut down two devices on the RD909 in Putanges-le-Lac. Another pair were painted black on the RD18 in Saint-Andre-de-Messei and on the RD976 in Juvigny-Val-d'Andaine. In Bordes, the speed camera on the RD938 was completely destroyed by fire. On Thursday, vigilantes burned a pair of speed cameras on the RD 112, in Lecousse and on the RD178 in Luitre-Dompierre. On Wednesday, the speed camera on the RD1089 near Saint-Etienne-le-Molard was converted into a pile of rubble after being burned with a pile tractor tires.

Officials in Codogne, Italy, were impressed at their ability to swiftly replace the speed camera on Via Roverbasso that had been knocked over by anti-photo enforcement vigilantes. On Thursday, the automated ticketing opponents returned and took out the device a second time by bending it so it points upward, away from the road. Likewise in Guidonia, the speed camera on Via di Casal Bianco was once again cut down mere days after having been replaced from a previous attack.

On Thursday, vigilantes in Moers, Germany, spraypainted and smashed the window of the mobile speed camera device that had been issuing automated tickets on Rathausallee. In Altshausen, unknown photo radar opponents used explosives to blow up the speed camera on the B32 on Tuesday. On Sunday, March 25, the speed camera on Meininger Strasse in Wasungen was knocked out of service, according to local police reports. On the same day, gray spraypaint blinded the speed camera in Weil am Rhein where Beim Baumle and Marktweg meet.

Canadian vigilantes also got to work last week cutting down the speed camera on Side Road 25 in the township of Essa, Ontario.

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