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Canada, France, Guadeloupe: Speed Cameras Submerged
Vigilantes in Canada and France last week buried and burned speed cameras.

Anti-mercosur attack on speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in Toronto, Canada, last week cut down the notorious Parkside Drive speed camera a third time. The automated ticketing machine was dumped in a duck pond after being toppled twice in November.

French farmers have resumed expressing their displeasure with President Emmanuel Macron by burying the speed camera on the RD1089 near Feurs under a pile of used tires. A banner at the location proclaimed, "no to Mercosur" -- referring to the agreement allowing unrestricted importation of food from South America.

In Guadeloupe, an archipelago in the Caribbean, vigilantes on Monday, December 30, torched the speed camera on the RN2 in Baie-Mahault. In Modena, Italy, another speed camera on the ring road was blinded with red spraypaint. The group known as "ViVi" claimed responsibility.

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