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UK Speed Camera Swiped
Vigilantes swipe a speed camera from a Berkshire, UK road.

Berkshire speed camera zone
UK vigilantes successfully removed a Berkshire-area speed camera sometime yesterday. The £20,000 (US $40,000) device had been issuing citations on the A30 London Road in Sunningdale. Police have no idea who may have busted open the housing to remove the inner-workings of the camera, but many in the area have grown uneasy about the increasing use of ticket cameras.

The Thames Valley Speed Camera Partnership has celebrated the imposition of heavy fines on those who challenge photo tickets in court. In November, Thomas Watkins was charged with driving 49 MPH in a 40 zone for which Newbury Magistrate's Court charged him £3080 (US $6060). A month earlier, Dr Annette Abbott was charged £2500 (US $4920) for a similar speeding offense after appearing attempting to defend herself before Sudbury Magistrate's Court.

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