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Speed Cameras in UK, Italy Burned and Shot
Three speed cameras either burned or shot in South Yorkshire, UK and Campania, Italy.

Vigilantes in the UK and Italy used gunfire and flames to express their displeasure with photo enforcement. Last week, Italian activists blasted a pair of speed cameras late at night in the Campania town of Teano, Cassertasette news reported. Only the camera housings for the devices located on the Appia and Casilina roads suffered damage because local speed camera operators remove the machinery from the housing each night. It is not cost-effective to run the cameras overnight when traffic volume slows.

On December 3, a South Yorkshire speed camera was also set on fire. The device located on Barnsley Road was saved from more serious damage as firefighters from Brampton Station arrived on the scene in time to extinguish the blaze with buckets of water, according to the South Yorkshire Times.

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