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Speed Cameras Taken Out in The Netherlands, Poland and the UK
Vigilantes act to stop camera ticketing in The Netherlands, Poland and the UK,

Destroyed Polish speed cam
Vigilantes took out a trio of speed cameras in Hull, England by covering them with green paint. The devices were located on the A1079 toward Beverley Road, the Hull Daily Mail reported.

Fourteen new cameras have been active for less than a month in the city of Lublin, Poland and already one-third have been destroyed or damaged, Gazeta Lublin reported. Some of the machines have been covered with spraypaint, others have had their poles knocked down and a few have been destroyed by fire. In June, another pair of cameras were destroyed by fire on Route 94 toward Olkusz. Police have no suspects and the vigilantes have been hailed as heroes on local web forums.

Police in The Netherlands, however, believe they have arrested a pair of young vigilantes accused of destroying speed cameras located at Napoleonsweg in Neer between February 22 and 23. One used a tractor to rip down a speed camera doing 11,787 euros (US $16,716) in damage.

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