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Vigilantes Take on Speed Traps in Wyoming, Germany, Switzerland
Vigilantes shoot variable speed trap signs in Wyoming, run over, burn and pull down speed cameras in Germany and Switzerland.

Speed camera dragged through Swiss streets
In Carbon County, Wyoming, armed vigilantes blasted a set of three Interstate 80 electronic speed limit signs on January 6. The devices allowed officials to lower the speed limit by remote control, creating a variable speed trap as passing trucks frequently obscured the signs leaving motorists with no idea the limit had been arbitrarily lowered from 75 MPH to as low as 35 MPH for a 52-mile stretch of the highly rural road. The state's transportation department offered a $2500 reward for the identity of the individuals responsible for doing the bullet damage estimated at $23,000. Officials had applied temporary repairs to the signs by January 8.

Vigilantes in Bad Harzburg, Germany set fire to a speed camera on Monday. The device, located on Bundesstrasse 4, was completely destroyed. Police have no idea who might be responsible for having destroyed this and a dozen other speed cameras in the area over the past few years, Hamburger Abendblatt reported.

In Landshut, Germany on Tuesday a man rammed a mobile speed camera radar unit while it was unattended on state road 2083. Police were able to track down a 55-year-old man and have accused him of destroying the equipment, Straubinger Tagblatt reported.

A video uploaded to YouTube last week appears to show a speed camera being dragged through the streets of Zurich, Switzerland after having been tied to a light rail system. The video provider explained that, "This speed camera gets a one way ticket to the end of the line."

View the video on YouTube:

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