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Traffic Cameras Trashed In Missouri, Germany
Pickax, torch and stickers disable German speed cameras while vigilantes grab fallen ticketing machine in Kansas City, Missouri.

BVB 09 sticker
Vigilantes in Kansas City, Missouri grabbed the red light camera operating at the intersection of 27th Street and Southwest Trafficway on Thursday, the Kansas City Star reported. Apparently, the automated ticketing machine failed to prevent an accident that knocked over the pole upon which the device was mounted. Police later found only an empty camera housing at the scene.

In Kleve, Germany, a speed camera on the Bundestrasse 8 near Aspel was disabled last week. Fans of the German soccer team Borussia Dortmund placed the iconic yellow-and-black "BVB 09" team sticker (Ballspiel-Verein Borussia) across the lens of the device. Vigilantes attack the area's cameras around 24 times a year, Der Westen reported.

In Horn-Bad Meinberg, two men, aged twenty and twenty-two, used a pickax and torch to destroy the speed camera on the B1 last Monday at around 4am. The ax smashed the window of the camera and the torch set the device on fire. Police arrived on the scene at around 6am and found the pair in a parked Renault not far from the scene. According to a Polizei Lippe press release, the suspects were released pending charges.

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