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New York, UK: Traffic Cameras Attacked
Fourteen Nassau County, New York red light cameras disabled while cameras destroyed in the UK may not be replaced or repaired.

Vigilantes in Long Island, New York took out all fourteen red light cameras with a can of spray paint in the early morning hours of August 1, Newsday reported. Nassau County installed the automated ticketing machines in the hopes of generating $13 million in revenue and have no idea who is responsible for depriving officials of a day's worth of ticketing, an estimated ticketing revenue loss of $35,000.

In Dorset, England vigilantes set fire to a speed camera last Sunday at around 5:20am. A burning tire was used to take out the automated ticketing machine located on the A35 in Chideock, BBC News reported.

Some of the destroyed British cameras will not be replaced thanks to cuts in speed camera funding implemented by the new Conservative government. The Shropshire Star reported that a camera burned in Telford on July 22 will not be restored. Vigilantes had destroyed the same camera on three prior occasions.

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