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France, Saudi Arabia, The Netherlands, UK: Speed Cameras Attacked
Speed cameras in France spraypainted, The Netherlands and UK not replacing cameras, and signs blackened in Saudi Arabia.

French speed camera
Vigilantes in Ecouflant, France disabled a speed camera with a can of white spraypaint. Police have no idea who is responsible for covering the lens on the automated ticketing machine located at the Bois de Sene, Ouest-France reported. The same technique had taken out a camera on September 18 in La Vendelee in Normandy between Countances and Lessay, La Manche Libre reported.

In Apeldoorn, The Netherlands the public prosecutor announced Friday that a speed camera destroyed by vigilantes earlier this will not be replaced. The speed camera pole will be permanently removed.

Officials in Telford, England likewise will not be replacing a speed camera destroyed by fire in July, the Shropshire Star reported Thursday. The automated ticketing machine had been attacked on three previous occasions and the Telford and Wrekin Council decided against replacement now that the national government has cut funding for speed camera partnerships. Lincolnshire officials likewise are reluctant to replace speed cameras in the new fiscal environment. A total of 15 of 52 cameras have been burned or otherwise disabled.

In Buraidah, Saudi Arabia vigilantes are fighting back against the speed camera system known as Saher by painting the speed limit signs black on the road south of Prince Mishal, Shams Arabic daily newspaper reported.

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