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Australia, Belgium, France: Speed Cameras Attacked
Three French speed cameras spraypainted, on Flemish camera buried, and Australian camera operators pelted.

In Drome, France, vigilantes used yellow spraypaint to disable three speed cameras on Wednesday. The automated ticketing machines on the N7 located in Portes-les-Valence, La Roche-de-Glun et Chateauneuf-sur-Isere were unable to issue tickets because their lenses were covered over, Le Dauphine reported. Police have no idea who might be responsible.

Speed camera operators in Victoria, Australia are complaining that they are being abused by the public, the Hastings Leader reported. On September 19, a motorist in Frankston informed a mobile camera car driver of his opinion of automated enforcement, then proceeded to park his vehicle in front of the radar unit to prevent any ticketing. On February 13, a man hurled a brick at a speed camera car parked on Ballarto Road, waking the operator but not causing any serious harm.

In Belgium, 26-year-old vigilante was sentenced to 80 hours of community service and a 69,992 euro fine for cutting down and burying a speed camera in Beerse two years ago. Officials never found the speed camera, Zita reported.

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