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France, Germany, Ireland, Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Destroyed
Vigilantes take out speed cameras in France, Germany, Ireland, Saudi Arabia.

Irish speed camera van
Vigilantes torched a Redflex speed camera van in a dramatic attack in County Wicklow, Ireland last Sunday at 7:30pm. The automated speed trap had been set on Gorey Road outside Arklow, the Gorey Echo reported. The Citroen Relay van burned to the ground, marking the second attack of its kind in less than six months.

A speed camera in Ostercappeln, Germany was destroyed on Thursday. According to Osnabrucker Zeitung, the device located on the B51 was turned off for the winter and had been scheduled to resume ticketing this week. The controversial camera has been sabotaged on several occasions since it was installed in 2006.

Vigilantes destroyed a Saher speed camera system in Medina, Saudi Arabia on Friday. The attack in the Aziziyah neighborhood was just the latest in a string of anti-camera actions in the city, Okaz reported.

On Saturday, a speed camera in Haute-Saone, France was demolished after it failed to prevent an accident on the RN19. Police believe the driver who hit the camera was drunk, Le Pays reported.

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