France, Germany: Speed Cameras Blown Up, Painted, SwipedExplosives destroy French speed camera. German traffic cameras painted orange and swiped.
Vigilantes used explosives to blow up a speed camera in Auvergne, France on Monday. The automated ticketing machine on the D907 in the town of Bost had been one of the most productive in issuing tickets since it was installed in February 2009, La Montagne reported.
In Dortmund, vigilantes painted an entire traffic camera orange last weekend. With its lenses covered, the device located on Mallinckrodt Street is unable to issue tickets, according to Der Westen.
On Friday, vigilantes swiped a speed camera from the B517 in Kirchhundem, according to Olpe district police. The camera was sawed off at its base and the entire system removed. The same thing happened in nearby Attendorn in November 2008. Police have no idea who might be responsible.