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Iowa, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Dented, Destroyed, Swiped
Speed cameras are hit, burned and swiped in Iowa, Germany and Italy.

Speed Check camera
In Cles, Italy, a 27-year-old man used a stick to smash a tripod-mounted "Speed Check" mobile speed camera on Monday, La Voce del NordEst reported. Nearby police arrived at the scene and arrested the man.

On Wednesday, vigilantes destroyed a speed camera in Attendorn, Germany. According to police, the window of the device was smashed and then the camera housing was set on fire. Last week on Saturday vigilantes in Neviges used an angle grinder to cut down a speed camera on Autobahn 535 toward Wuppertal. The device was sawed off from its one-yard-high pole and then the vigilantes emptied out the utility boxes near it. Officials have no idea who might be responsible, according to Mettman police.

In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a speed camera failed to prevent a collision on Tuesday at around 5:15pm. According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, a red Jeep belonging to the Dutch contractor Gatso was issuing automated speeding tickets on Brentwood Drive when a woman backed into the radar van's rear quarter panel. The hit caused minimal damage.

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