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Italy, France, UK: Speed Cameras Burned, Smashed, Bagged
Photo radar devices in Europe are destroyed and disabled by vigilantes and police officers alike.

French camera bagged
Vigilantes set fire to a speed camera outside of London around 1am last week Sunday, the Wimebldon Guardian reported. The device had been issuing tickets on the A297 St. Heiler Avenue near Morden Hall Park.

Vigilantes in San Giorgio del Sannio, Italy on Saturday set fire to a newly installed speed camera on the highway toward Benevento, the Benevento Chronicle reported. In the same area, another speed camera on the road toward Castel del Lago had its lens smashed.

In Lyon, France two police officers were put on trial Tuesday, accused of disabling speed cameras by covering them with black plastic trash bags and duct tape, according to Ouest France. The officers were upset about the use of cameras against motorists for the purpose of raising revenue. They were identified after being shown, with faces blurred, on a local television station in November.

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