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Australia, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Damaged, Decorated, Crashed
Australian speed camera van crashes, six French cameras are damaged, and a German camera is covered in glitter.

Glitter speed camera
Vigilantes in Lot-Et-Garonne, France disabled three speed cameras last week. The automated ticketing machine at Penne-d'Agenais (RD 661) was covered in brown tape at around 5am last week Sunday. On the day before, cameras at Condezaygues and Gontaud-de-Nogaret (RD 813) were spraypainted black, Sud Ouest reported.

On the same weekend, three speed cameras in Bretagne were torched with wood and old tires. Two were located on the N165 in Kervignac and Theix. The third camera was on the RD767 in Locmine, according to Ouest France.

In Wachtberg, Germany, vigilantes created the "Glitzer Blitzer" or "Glitter Speed Camera" on the L158 by painting the device pink, covering the lenses with gold paint and hanging the sign that reads "Glitzer Blitzer," General-Anzeiger reported.

A photo radar van in Queensland, Australia crashed into another car on Brisbane Valley Highway last week Sunday at 7:30pm, according to the Queensland Times. The speed camera vehicle had just finished ticketing from the side of the road. It slammed into another vehicle as it was merging back into traffic from the side of the road. Police are investigating.

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