France, Italy: Traffic Cameras Shot, Scorched, Smashed, SpraypaintedVigilantes in France and Italy get creative on disabling speed cameras.

In Cilento, Italy, vigilantes shot the speed camera in Agropoli on Thursday. According to Salerno Today, the device was completely destroyed by shotgun slug rounds that took out all three of the device's lenses.
In Lanobre, France, vigilantes knocked over and smashed a speed camera with a backhoe on Wednesday, La Voix du Cantal reported. On Thursday, a camera in Bassignac on the D922 was set on fire with gasoline. In Bores, vigilantes spraypainted a the speed camera on the RD937 white on Saturday. According to La Republique des Pyrenees, this was the tenth attack on the device.
In Milly-sur-Therain, vigilantes spraypainted a camera red yesterday, then tagged it with the message "Hollande resign" referring to President Francois Hollande, Courrier Picard reported. Two cameras in Lot-et-Garonne were spraypainted on Thursday. According to Sud Ouest, green paint was used on the RD813 in Saint-Hilaire-de-Lusignan, and the same color was used on the RN21 in Moirax.