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France, Italy, Saudi Arabia: Traffic Cameras Under Attack
Vigilantes throughout the world spraypaint and dynamite are used to disable speed cameras.

MF91 tagged speed camera
Malik Ibrahim Zahrani crashed and died while behind the wheel of a speed camera van on the road between Medina and Qassim in Saudi Arabia last week. According to Al Madina, family members blame the speed camera company for forcing employees to work twelve hour shifts four days a week and skimping on vehicle maintenance. Within two hours of the accident, the crushed vehicle was taken to the Saher headquarters. No foul play is suspected.

Vigilantes last week Sunday spraypainted the speed camera in Saint-Restitut, France. According to Le Dauphine, the automated ticketing machine on the D59 only returned to service on October 2 after having been set on fire the previous month. In Haute-Loire, vigilantes spraypainted a speed camera green on Monday, Le Progres reported. The automated ticketing machine on the RD589 was marked "MF 91" referring to "Magic Fans," followers of the soccer team AS Saint-Etienne. Dark green was the paint color of choice for a speed camera tagged on Thursday on the D923 between Chartres and Courville, according to L'Echo Republicain.

In Pontecchio, Italy, vigilantes last Sunday destroyed a speed camera. According to Il Gazzettino Rovigo, dynamite was used to blow the camera to bits at around 1am. It was the third automated ticketing machine to be destroyed in the town.

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