Belgium, Italy: Traffic Cameras TrashedNine speed cameras in Belgium are trashed while automated ticketing machines in the Italian capital literally become trash cans.

Vigilantes in the Flemish region of Belgium destroyed or disabled nine speed cameras in the first half of the year. According to De Standaard, three cameras were attacked in West Flanders, two in Flemish Brabant, two in East Flanders, one in Antwerp and one in Limburg. Damage totaled 186,749 euros (US $230,000).
In Rome, Italy, attacks on speed cameras are so common that many of the "Velo OK" brand speed camera housings, which are made of a bright orange plastic, are being repurposed. Il Tempo reports that many of the housings have been empty as camera equipment in shuffled among the various locations in the city. Now many of the housings sit empty and serve as containers full of trash.