Australia, Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Blocked, Burned, Blown UpVigilantes throughout the world get creative in the new year disabling speed cameras.

Australian motorists are protecting each other from speed cameras by coordinating efforts through the Block Their Shot Facebook page. The premise is simple. Drivers pretend that their cars are broken down so that they can park them with the hood open behind photo radar vans. This obscures the camera's view, preventing any citations from being generated. Officials in New South Wales are furious.
"Don't know what they are complaining about," the leader of the effort explained in a recent post. "Their cars and signs are all still visible to motorists, they are still slowing drivers down and saving lives as their commercials state they are here for. Haha. Oh, that's right their... bank accounts are missing out."
Vigilantes in Buckinghamshire, England were far less creative last week Saturday. According to BBC News, they set fire to the automated ticketing machine on West Wycombe Road, and by the time firefighters arrived, the blaze had died down.
Vigilantes have also been busy in the province of Como, Italy. On New Year's Day, they ripped the speed camera in Veniano out of the ground, La Provincia di Como reported. The attacked followed upon the Christmas Eve attacks in Solbiate and Guanzate where a crowbar was used to rip the automated ticketing machines out of the ground. In Azzano Decimo, vigilantes rang in the new year by blowing up a speed camera with firecrackers. According to Messaggero Veneto, the explosion blew out the side of the automated ticketing machine on the Via Santa Croce.