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Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, UAE: Speed Cameras Disabled
Across Europe, vigilantes use various techniques to keep speed cameras from issuing automated tickets.

Megane crash
In Saskatchewan, Canada, vigilantes smashed a speed camera lens and spraypainted green graffiti over it last week. According to Global News, the automated ticketing machine near Ecole Massey School in Regina had been disabled for several days without repair.

In Dubai, UAE, motorists have been giving speed cameras the finger, 7 Days reports. Outraged public officials threatened to file criminal charges against anyone expressing their displeasure at with automated enforcement with a gesture.

Vigilantes in Solbiate, Italy wrapped a speed camera in white packing tape last week. According to La Provincia di Como, the attack put the camera on the Via Cesare Battisti out of commission over Easter.

France recently introduced stealth speed camera cars able to issue automated tickets while driving at high speeds on a freeway. Last week one of these Renault Megane photo radar cars failed to prevent an accident at around 2:30pm on the D166 near Ramecourt. According to Vosges Matin, although the automated ticketing vehicle was totaled, the injuries the occupants suffered proved to be minor. On Saturday, vigilantes knocked the speed camera on the Rue de Pors-Leonnec off its mounting point, Le Telegramme reported. Last Tuesday, vigilantes used black spraypaint on the speed camera in Quimper, according to Ouest France. In Saint-Germain-en-Laye, vigilantes spraypainted the automated ticketing machine on the N184 with baby blue paint on Easter weekend, Le Parisien reported. Around the same time, red was the paint of choice to cover the automated ticketing machine on the RD 2089 in Saint-Jean-d'Heurs, according to La Montagne.

In Flanders, Belgium, vigilantes damaged a total of 48 highway speed cameras last year, an increase from the 42 taken out of service the year before, Nieuwsblad reported.

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