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France, Germany, Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Disabled
Shotguns, fiery trash bags, fists and patriotic paint take out license plate readers and speed cameras across Europe.

Tricolor speed camera
In Saint-Etienne, France, patriotic vigilantes disabled a speed camera last week Saturday by painting it with the blue, white and red tricolor pattern of the French flag, Le Progres reported. In Maurepas, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera on the D13 last Monday. According to Le Parisien, a trash bag was put under the automated ticketing machine and set on fire.

In Codevigo, Italy, vigilantes on Friday took out the brand new license plate reading camera on state highway 309 with a shotgun on Wednesday, Il Mattino di Padova reported. The speed camera attached to the same pole was not affected.

In Goch, Germany, a 56-year-old motorist fought back against a speed camera trap on Thursday by smacking a photo radar car with his fist. The speed trap was issuing tickets on Klever Strasse in Pfalzdorf at the time, Rheinische Post reported.

On September 26, a car thief stole a red Ford Focus Titanium in Oxfordshire, England. The thief drove the car into an automated license plate reader camera on the A4141 near Risinghurst and then set it on fire, according to the Bicester Advertiser.

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