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Argentina, France, UK: Speed Cameras Tipped, Torched
Cameras are knocked over and set on fire in Argentina, England and France.

Argentina speed camera
In Salta, Argentina, a vigilante tipped over a speed camera on October 8. According to La Gaceta Salta, a man tried to wrench the automated ticketing machine on Avenida Paraguay entirely out of the ground, but he left when it tipped over a guardrail.

In Le Pian-Medoc, France, vigilantes set fire to a speed camera on Wednesday. The automated ticketing machine had just been installed, the Journal du Medoc reported.

In Nottingham, England, a speed camera failed to prevent the accident that destroyed it on Sunday morning. A car slammed into the automated ticketing machine on the A6514 at around 6am, according to the Nottingham Post.

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