France, Italy: Speed Cameras TargetedSpeed cameras in France and Italy fell last week to vigilante.

In Bologna, Italy on Tuesday, vigilantes set fire to three cameras. According to Il Resto del Carlino, the devices were located on the Via Porrettana between the towns of Sasso Marconi and Pontecchio Marconi. One of the cameras in Sasso Marconi had only been activated on May 15. In Reggello on Wednesday, red spraypaint was used to disable two out of the three speed cameras along the main route through Rona Pian, the Valdarno Post reported. The "Velo OK" speed camera in Reana del Rojale was knocked over last week. According to Udine Today, devices in the area have been attacked several times over the past year.
In Albi-Castres, France, vigilantes on Wednesday disabled the mobile speed camera on the D612 by covering its lenses with silver spraypaint, La Depeche reported. A large dollar sign was also added to the side of the device. Fire scorched the speed camera on the RD437 in Montbenoit last week Sunday, according to L'Est Republicain.