France, Luxembourg, Malaysia: Speed Cameras Removed From ServiceVigilantes pulled down, smashed, burned and spraypainted speed cameras across Europe and Asia last week.

In Tangkak, Malaysia, vigilantes knocked over a speed camera on the North-South Expressway, ripped open the housing and grabbed the electronics last week Sunday, according to Free Malaysia Today.
In Coursan, France, the speed camera that was installed on Wednesday was disabled by Friday with a thick coat of black spraypaint covering its lenses, La Depeche reported. Nearby on the RD6009 in Narbonne, L'Independant reports that a speed camera failed to prevent an accident in which the device was rammed. In Duniere-sur-Eyrieux the speed camera was spraypainted yellow last week, according to Le Dauphine. In Roppe, orange spraypaint was the color of choice last week Sunday, L'Est Republicain reported.
In Welfrange, Luxembourg, the speed camera on the N13 was set on fire at around 9:30pm on Saturday, according to L'Essentiel. The same automated ticketing machine had been smashed last year.