Austria, France, Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Egged, Spraypainted, ScorchedEggs, fire and spraypaint were used to take out speed cameras in Europe and the Middle East last week.

In Gmunden, Austria, a pair of teenagers decorated a photo radar van with a large quantity of flour, ketchup and eggs on Halloween night. According to the local police, the 17 and 18 year olds responsible were identified later that morning in a public square holding eggs.
In Grange-de-Vaivre, France, the mobile speed camera on the RN83 was knocked out of position on Friday, making it incapable of issuing tickets Le Progres reported. In Maisnil, the speed camera on the RD301 was taken out of service with white spraypaint, according to La Voix du Nord. Fluorescent orange spraypaint was the color that took out the speed camera on the RD437 in Liebvillers last week Monday, Est Republicain reported. In Saint-Martin-du-Mont, Ain, bright pink was the color of choice on Tuesday for the camera on the RD1075, according to Le Progres. Silver was the latest color added to the speed camera on the RD927 in Lanneray on Sunday, L'Echo Republicain reported. The same device has already been painted pink and yellow this year.
In Saudi Arabia, vigilantes set fire to the "Saher" speed camera on the road between Riyadh and Huraymila. A video of the camera in flames was posted to YouTube on Saturday (view video).