France, Germany: Speed Camera Profits SlashedFrench speed camera profits plunge 42 percent, and cameras are destroyed in Germany.

The speed camera resistance cost the French government a great deal of money last year. According to the Interior Ministry, the number of speed camera tickets issued by photo radar vans plunged 42 percent from 1,813,222 tickets to 1,048,710, despite a five percent increase in the number of speed camera cars used, The experts at Radars-Auto.com expect 2018 figures from other types of speed cameras will be available in a few months.
Vigilantes on Saturday torched the speed camera on the RD6 in Saint-Laurent-le-Vernede. On Friday, the speed camera on the D817 in Castetis was blinded with black spraypaint, just ten days after it had been repaired and returned to service. On Wednesday, the photo radar unit on the RN19 in Vesoul was set on fire.
A speed camera caused a serious injury accident in Baltmannsweiler, Germany on Thursday. A 39-year-old was driving her Volkswagen Polo on the L1150 when she came upon a photo radar trap. She slammed on the brakes to avoid getting a ticket, only to be violently rear ended by a white Volkswagen Sharan minivan. The impact sent the small blue car spinning into the side of the road, where it smashed the mobile speed camera that failed to prevent the accident. Baden-Wurttemberg Polizei estimated the total damage at 63,000 euros (US $71,000). In Ettlingen, an unknown man on April 8 stopped at the site of a speed camera and thumped on the chest of the operator urging him to pack up and go home. Before the unknown man drove away in his black Suzuki, he displayed an "outstretched middle finger" to the camera operator, according to police.