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Brazil, France, UK: Speed Camera Opposition Intensifies
President of Brazil called for photo radar elimination, UK man blocked a camera and French devices were torched and spraypainted last week.

Jair Bolsonaro
In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro in a televised interview last week called for the removal of automated ticketing machines from the nation's roads on the grounds that they are a means of making money, not reducing accidents.

"On federal highways that have speed cameras installed, we will not renew the contracts when the term expires," Bolsonaro said. "In the beginning, when we decided to do this, some in the media attacked me, saying it would increase the number of accidents and deaths. Well, now in this [Easter] holiday, the number of accidents and road deaths has decreased by eleven percent. If it had increased, it would be my fault. As it declined, some of the press said nothing."

Police in Hartlepool, England, dispatched three police cars to the A689 on Friday to arrest a 27-year-old who had parked behind a speed camera. Officials charged the man with obstruction.

"It's funny how so many police turn up for this but if you get burgled you are lucky if anyone bothers to come round," resident Stuart Wilson responded to the police department's post about the arrest on Facebook. "Just shows where the priorities lie, i.e. the priority would appear to be on protecting a revenue stream from easy targets."

Opponents of automated ticketing in Guipry-Messac, France, torched the speed camera on the D772 on Sunday. Another photo radar unit in nearby Torce was then destroyed with burning tires. In Camiers, vigilantes on Tuesday used bright yellow spraypaint to blind the speed camera on the RD 940. Around the same time, the automated ticketing machine on the A71 in Marmagne was completely destroyed by a burning tire. On the following day, the speed camera on the RD932 in Captieux was torched.

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