France, Germany, Spain, UK: Speed Cameras DisabledVigilantes across Europe used fire and spraypaint to prevent speed cameras from issuing tickets last week.

In Fene, Spain, vigilantes on August 12 dumped a brihgt red shopping cart over the top of a speed camera and splashed red wine over its lenses. Not to be outdone, vigilantes in Saint-Germain, France, placed a toilet on top of the speed camera on the RN77. To ensure the device would be unable to issue tickets, its lenses were spraypainted orange.
On Saturday, the speed camera on the RN164 between Chateaulin and Carhaix was also blinded with orange spraypaint. On Tuesday, the next-generation "turret" speed camera on the RD1006 in Coise-Saint-Jean-Pied-Gauthier was felled by a raging, tire-fueled fire. Around the same time, the speed camera on the RD786 in Morieux was set on fire using a pile of wood to fuel the flames. On the N137 in Heric, green paint was used to disable the speed camera. On August 9, the speed camera on the RD652 in Blenod was spraypainted red.
In Rastatt, Germany, vigilantes on August 10 grabbed the red light camera that had been issuing automated citations at the intersection of Karlsruher Strasse and the Richard-Wagner-Rings, Offenberg Police reported.
Vigilantes near Hunstanton, England, used spraypaint to blind the speed camera on the A149.