French Speed Camera Holiday FiresFrench vigilantes set speed cameras on fire for Christmas, while an Italian speed camera caused a six-car freeway pileup.

On Saturday, vigilantes cut down the turret speed camera on the RN12 and set the device on fire using wooden pallets and tires to fuel the blaze. Around the same time, the turret speed camera on the RD200 near Nogent-sur-Oise was rammed by a car and then set on fire. On Christmas morning, the speed camera on the RN125 in Galie was toppled and torched. On December 23, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera located on the RN7 in Montelimar.
In Civita d'Antino, Italy, motorists passing the speed camera on the SS690 regularly slam on the brakes to avoid receiving a ticket in the mail. On Saturday, the sudden braking in front of the camera caused a massive six-car accident with one minor injury.