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France, UK: Widespread Speed Camera Damage Continues
Speed camera in England was impaled by a speedboat while several French cameras were destroyed last week.

Boat crashes into speed camera
A speed camera van in Cuxton, England, failed to prevent an accident on Wednesday. According to the Kent Messenger newspaper, the automated ticketing machine collided with a speedboat on the A228 after the boat trailer came loose.

On Friday, vigilantes in Lapeyrouze, France, set fire to the speed camera. On Thursday, the speed camera on the RD1029 in Proyart was blinded with red paint, marking the fifteenth such attack on the device since 2017. On Wednesday, the wooden pallets were used to torch the speed camera on the A31 in Champigneulles. On May 18, the turret speed camera on the RD820 in Peaugres had its lenses smashed.

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