Australia, France, Germany UK: Speed Cameras SidelinedVigilante attacks in Europe and Australia disabled a handful of speed cameras last week.

A mobile speed camera issuing automated tickets on Stirling Highway in Perth, Western Australia, was destroyed on Wednesday. According to police, a man rammed his Ford Focus into the Jenoptik brand camera, crushing it against a tree. A GoFundMe was set up to pay for a lawyer to help the Focus driver arrested for the camera's destruction.
"Instead of replacing the camera we should build a statue of this man," one commenter wrote on the Western Australia Police Force Facebook page.
In Dolle, Germany, unidentified vigilantes torched the speed camera on the A14 on Wednesday, according to police. In Reading, England, a man tossed a brick through the rear window of the speed camera van that had been issuing tickets on the A4 on November 8. According to Thames Valley police, the attack damaged the camera machinery inside.
Vigilantes in Fontaine-les-Dijon, France, on Saturday splased brown paint over the lenses of the speed camera located on the Boulevard des Allobroges. On Tuesday, vigilantes in Espere cut down the pole-mounted "turret" speed camera located on the RD811.