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Speed Cameras Foiled In Germany, Italy, UK
Several speed cameras were bombed, knocked over and ripped apart in Europe last week.

Sliced Italian speed camera
Vigilantes in Marsciano, Italy, used an improvised bomb on New Year's Eve to destroy the speed camera located on the SP375. On Tuesday, a pair of newly installed "Velo OK" speed cameras in the city of Bitonto were eliminated. The device in the village of Palombaio was cut in half while the photo radar unit in Mariotto was ripped out of the ground and tossed on the other side of the road.

In Wigton, England, vigilantes on Christmas Day destroyed the speed camera on the A596 by slicing open the device's metal housing. Vigilantes in Bretten, Germany, on December 27 used "massive violence" according to local police to smash a pair of speed cameras that had been issuing automated tickets on the B294 Pforzheimer Strasse.

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