Italian Speed Cameras Foiled, German Operators ThrashedFour speed cameras in Italy were sabotaged last week. Elderly German man beats speed camera operators who followed him home.

A trio of speed cameras near Modena, Italy, were knocked out of the ground last week. Two orange "Velo OK" brand speed camera boxes on the Strada Statale Romana Nord in Carpi were ripped away from its concrete base Thursday, just three days after they had been installed. A few days before that incident, the camera on the Via Canale Carpi in Campogalliano was uprooted. In Pescara on Wednesday, vigilantes sabotaged the pole used to mount the city's speed camera.
In Regensburg, Germany, a 61-year-old man offended police officers operating handheld photo radar devices on April 19. The driver carefully passed the speed camera trap without ever exceeding the 50km/h (31 MPH) speed limit at the location, but he infuriated officers by flipping them off as he did so. The two officers used the elderly man's license plate to track him down and confront him inside his home. The man responded by taking his crutches and throwing them at each officer. Police claimed the officers required medical treatment.