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Dutch, French Speed Cameras Attacked
Another half-dozen speed cameras were destroyed or disabled in France last week. Officials in The Netherlands give up on replacing destroyed device.

Sliced French speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

In Colmar, France, vigilantes on Sunday set fire to the the speed camera on the RD417, preventing it from issuing automated citations. Likewise in Lyon on Friday, the speed camera on the Montee de Choulans was blinded with green spraypaint. This happened just ten days after installation. On Thursday, vigilantes in Morey-Saint-Denis pushed the speed camera on the RD974 into a ditch on the side of the road. On August 16, vigilantes cut down the turret speed camera on the RD938 near Thouars. Nearby, the speed camera on the RD949bis in L'Absie was spraypainted yellow.

In The Netherlands, officials decided Friday that the speed camera that vigilantes destroyed in July on the John F. Kennedylaan in Eindhoven will not be replaced because doing so would be too expensive. That particular automated ticketing machine had been one of the ten most lucrative cameras in the country.

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