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France, Germany, Italy: Vigilantes Spraypaint More Speed Cameras
Vigilantes in Germany and Italy stepped up attacks against speed cameras last week compared to the usual leader, France.

Italian speed camera spraypainted
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
A pair of brand new speed cameras in Asti, Italy, were found cut apart on Sunday. The devices had been positioned on the Corso Alessandria and Corso Alba. In Pistoia, vigilantes on Friday blinded a pair of speed cameras on the SP7 with blue spraypaint. In Alfianello, gray spraypaint was used to disable four speed cameras on October 16. The automated ticketing machines were located on the Via Mazzini and Viale Europa. Vigilantes in Bielefeld, Germany, on October 17, used white paint to cover the lens of the speed camera on the Sudring near Paderborner Strasse. Police have no idea who might be responsible. On October 10, a vigilante had placed a sticker over the lens of a speed camera that had been positioned on the A96 between between Turkheim and Mindelheim.

On Thursday, vigilantes in Lens, France, blinded the speed camera on the A21 with orange paint. Vigilantes in Brignais used fluorescent yellow spraypaint to prevent the speed camera on the A450 from issuing automated citations some time before October 18. The same device had been disabled last December.

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