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Ukraine Conflict Causes Trouble For Italian Speed Cameras
The war between Ukraine and Russia took out several speed cameras in Italy. Vigilantes disabled another half-dozen in Italy and Spain last week.

Sattelite dish speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Speed cameras in Filattiera, Italy, are suffering from the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Il Tirreno, the automated ticketing machines rely on a Ukranian satellite to transmit alleged violation data to the center that processes and mails the citations. As the satellite is now offline, the cameras only function by storing images on internal memory requiring manual retrieval. Officials in the region are expected to meet on March 30 to debate the implications of relying on Ukrainian equipment in the midst of a war. In Chiusa Ferranda, vigilantes on Thursday cut down the speed camera that had just recently been installed on the Strada Provinciale 12.

In Lugo, Spain, vigilantes disabled four out of five of the city's speed cameras on Monday, March 14. The lenses of the devices, in locations including Avenida de Madrid and the Ronda da Muralla, were shattered. On the Avenida Infanta Elena, photo ticketing opponents broke the lock on the speed camera housing and left the device wide open.

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