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Speed Cameras Disabled In Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Russia
Speed cameras around the world were taken out of service last week.

Russian speed camera with wires cut
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in a half-dozen countries took down several speed cameras last week. In Invercargill, New Zealand, a speed camera van was operating on Dee Street on Friday when a man approached and smashed its windows with a metal object. According to a police statement, this resulted in injuries to the speed camera van driver. Vigilantes in Primorsky Krai, Russia, have trashed three speed cameras, with the most recent attack taking out the photo radar unit on the Artyom-Nakhodka highway in the Shkotovsky district. The device's housing was pried open and the wires cut.

In Pesaro, Italy, the speed camera on the Via Panoramica that was knocked over a month ago remains in a ditch on the side of the road. In Massignano, vigilantes have scrawled the word "thieves" on the road on the SP91 to warn fellow motorists about a notorious spot used as the location for a mobile speed camera trap.

In Saint-Hippolyte, France, a large mobile speed camera was knocked over and tossed into a ditch on Monday, April 25. Around the same time, the speed camera on the RD165 in Theix-Noyal was destroyed by fire.

In Kelheim, Germany, a vigilante on Monday, April 25, disabled the Rennweg speed camera by throwing a blanket on top of it, according to a police statement. In Les Bons-Villers, Belgium, the speed camera on the Rue Stassart de Mellet was blinded with spraypaint on Sunday, April 24. The camera vendor noted about 3-4 attacks per month, down from 3-4 per week during the Yellow Vest movement.

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