France, Germany, Spain: Speed Cameras Swiped, Smashed, SprayedVigilantes last week took out speed cameras in France and Germany while Spanish officials struggled to resume ticket generation.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
In Pinnow, Germany, a vigilante thwarted a speed camera trap on the B2 on Thursday. According to Brandenburg police, a traffic officer set up a mobile photo radar tripod on the side of the road, but he was not paying attention when an unidentified man pulled alongside the fully automated system and grabbed part of the equipment, rendering the camera unusable. The traffic officer did not pursue.
Vigilantes in Lugo, Spain, took out four of the city's five speed cameras almost three months ago, but officials last week reported the effort needed to resume automated ticketing at the previous level will take another two months. The cameras on the Avenida Infanta Elena, N-VI, Avenida de Madrid and Ronda da Muralla were smashed on March 14. Only the camera on the N-VI has since been returned to service.
In Plouneour-Menez, France, vigilantes thwarted a speed camera less than 48 hours after it was installed. The device on the RD785 was blinded with green spraypaint and decorated with a giant smiley face on Thursday. Likewise, on the RD437 near Morteau, photo radar opponents took out a freshly installed speed camera by setting the device on fire on Wednesday.