France, Germany: Speed Cameras Painted, TorchedA half-dozen speed cameras were disabled in France and Germany last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
On Saturday, vigilantes in Bardowick, Germany, used white paint to blind the mobile speed camera on Im Sande. Likewise, the same technique was used in Rheinbergon to take out the speed camera on Alpener Strasse on Thursday, local police reports stated. On Friday, the battery and wireless networking equipment were taken from the mobile speed camera that had been issuing automated citations on Altenoyther Strasse in Friesoythe. Police estimated the loss at 6000 Euros (US $6500). A group of unidentified youth in Walldorf grabbed the mobile speed camera and moved it away from the road so that fellow motorists would not be ticketed on Saturday, January 7. In Bad Bentheim, the automated ticketing machine on Hengeloer Strasse was knocked over on January 5.
On Sunday, vigilantes in La Roche-Posay, France, cut down and torched the pole-mounted "turret" speed camera on the RD725.