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Anti-Speed Camera Activism Spreads In France, Germany, Martinique
Vigilantes in France and Martinique torched a dozen speed cameras last week. A German photo radar device contributed to its own destruction.

Speed camera crash in Germany
In Weinheim, Germany, the speed camera on the B38 was destroyed after it failed to prevent an accident. According to police, a 68-year-old driving a black Volkswagen Golf was trying to avoid a red light camera ticket by speeding up to make it through the intersection without earning a citation in the mail. Instead, the man lost control and the VW slammed into the automated ticketing machine on the side of the road, tearing the device out of the ground. In Bad Sassendorf, vigilantes grabbed the speed measuring device that had been operating on Bordestrasse on Monday, March 20.

Vigilantes in Essarts-les-Sezanne, France, on Sunday torched the speed camera on the RD373, less than two weeks after a pair of nearby cameras had been destroyed. The camera on the RN13 near Cherbourg was only partly burned by an attack Sunday. The speed camera on the RD465 near Giromagny was blinded with orange spraypaint on Friday. On the same day, the speed camera on the RN125 near Labroquere was set ablaze. On Thursday, black paint blinded the speed camera on the RN134 in Ogeu with the message, "49.3 again? The people's way" in black paint. Around the same time, the speed camera on the CD34 in Mordelles was partially damaged by fire. On Wednesday, the speed camera on the RD924 in Saint-Planchers was cut off its base and knocked over. On Tuesday, a burning truck fire consumed the speed camera on the RD673 in Rochefort-sur-Nenon. Yellow paint now covers the speed camera on the RD40 in Port-le-Grand. In Luppy, the pole-mounted speed camera on the R910 was cut down and spraypainted orange.

On the Caribbean island of Martinique, vigilantes in Le Lamentin set fire to the speed camera at Long Pre on Wednesday.

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