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Speed Cameras Shown Disrespect In Belgium, Germany, Italy
German man busted by speed camera without speeding. Other European cameras were burned and spraypainted last week.

Spraypainted speed camera in Italy
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Attacks on photo radar units are becoming more frequent in Germany. Today, vigilantes in Crailsheim poured diesel fuel over the mobile speed camera trailer located at the intersection of Pamiersring and Bertha-Dinkel-Weg, setting off an intense blaze that took out the device. Also today, explosives were used to completely destroy the traffic camera on Cisinskistrasse in Panschwitz-Kuckau. On Friday, vigilantes in Albbruck torched the mobile speed camera that had been set up on Leiterbachstrasse. Police estimated the total damage at 160,000 euros (US $170,000). On Wednesday, officials with the Thuringian Police decided to initiate criminal proceedings against a man who drove past the speed camera on the A4, even though he was not speeding. Officers became incensed when they saw a photo of the man raising his middle finger at the automated ticketing machine.

"Since he wasn't going too fast himself, he surely thought that there would be no consequences," Autobahnpolizeiinspektion spokesman Oliver Hanf said in a statement. "What he didn't notice was another road user drove past him at the same moment at excessive speed. The camera triggered and captured the gesture in a photograph."

In Florennes, Belgium, vigilantes on Friday, used orange spraypaint to sabotage the pole-mounted speed camera in the Morialme district. In Fornole, Italy, the speed camera on the SS205 was blinded with blue spraypaint on Sunday, May 21.

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