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French, German, Italian Vigilantes Strike Speed Cameras
Last week European activists armed with gasoline and spraypaint disabled a double speed cameras.

Painted French speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

European motorists continued to express their opposition to the use of automated ticketing machines last week. In Asperden, Germany, vigilantes torched the speed camera on the B9 on Friday. Police have no idea who might be responsible. In Roedinghausen, vigilantes on Tuesday used bright blue spraypaint to blind the photo radar device stationed on Hansastrasse. In Friedrichshafen, four speed cameras were taken out of service after two had their lenses smashed and another two were smeared with a "sticky substance" on Monday, May 29. After the devices were repaired, they were attacked a second time, according to local police reports.

In Yzeux, France, red paint was used to blind the speed camera on the RD1001 on Friday. The same device had been burned multiple times during the Yellow Vest uprising in 2019. Orange paint was also used against the recently installed speed camera on the RN1 in Muizon on Friday. As of Thursday, both of the speed cameras located on the RN67 remained unable to issue automated citations since they were spraypainted white two weeks ago. On Saturday May 27, green spraypaint was used to thwart the speed camera on the RN12 in Saint-Agathon.

In Baruchella, Italy, vigilantes on Tuesday cut down the pole-mounted speed camera that had been issuing automated tickets on the SR482.

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