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Speed Cameras Destroyed In Florida, Canada, France, Germany
Hundreds of speed cameras have been destroyed or disabled by public action around the world.

Trashed German speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in Parkland, Florida, ripped the electrical wiring from the speed camera being used by a homeowners association in the Watercrest neighborhood on June 29. The destroyed device is no longer able to generate revenue for the HOA or TrafficLogicx, the company that installs and operates the systems.

In Toronto, Canada, obtained city data showing there were a total of 555 attacks on speed cameras in the span of a year. This figure includes 222 incidents in which the photo radar units were spraypainted, 134 times they have been knocked over and 94 times they have been moved away from their position on the road. The data cover attacks from June 1, 2022 and May 31, 2023.

Vigilantes in Tarascon-sur-Ariege, France, on Tuesday threw a burning trash can over the speed camera on the RD618, severely damaging the device. The speed camera on the RD927 in La Drenne was blinded with black spraypaint on Tuesday, just days after its installation. On Monday, July 3, two speed cameras on the RD915 in Cuy-Saint-Fiacre and Bremontier-Merval were destroyed by fire.

In Bad Gandersheim, Germany, spraypaint was used on Saturday to blind the speed camera on the B64 in the village of Seboldshausen, according to police reports. Around the same time, vigilantes took out the speed camera on the B58 in Wesel by smashing its lenses. On Friday, the speed camera on Seerau In Der Lucie in Luchow was knocked out of commission. In Nurtingen, the speed camera on the B297 was destroyed on Wednesday after the device failed to prevent an accident. The Mercedes that hit the camera was seriously damaged in the incident. On Monday, July 3, vigilantes spraypainted and smashed the speed camera on Landesstrasse 3112 in Gernsheim. Police have no idea who might be responsible. Three speed cameras were destroyed in Ravensburg on Ravensburger Strasse and Niederbieger Strasse on Sunday, July 2. In Altlandsberg, vigilantes disabled the speed camera on the L33 by covering it with a trash can on June 26.

In Saudi Arabia, a man disabled a "Saher" speed camera on Sunday by hanging a pair of white sweatpants over the top of the device, blocking the camera lens.

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