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False Swiss Speed Camera Accusations, European Attacks
Swiss speed cameras caught issuing 9600 bogus photo tickets last week. Photo radar devices were also damaged in France, Italy and the UK.

Flamebroiled French speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Officials in Bern, Switzerland, admit a set of four speed cameras falsely accused over 9600 motorists of speeding between September 12 and October 19. According to a Kantonspolizei Bern press release issued on Monday, November 27, the inaccurate speed estimates were caused by the four devices having pavement sensors spaced 2.2 meters (7.2 feet) apart instead of 2.5 meters (8.2 feet). Despite being certified, approved and assumed always accurate, the software for the SensysGatso cameras were programed assuming the 2.5 meter sensor loops, and the difference in the spacing caused the speed estimate to be much higher than the cars were actually traveling.

Vigilantes in Drakewalls, England, cut the wires powering the speed camera on the A390 on Friday. In Guidonia, Italy, vigilantes continue to thwart the newly installed speed camera on the Via Casal Bianco. On Friday, the device was ripped from its mounting pole and dumped on the ground, repeating attacks that took place on November 1 and November 7.

On Thursday, vigilantes used green spraypaint to blind the speed camera on the RN165 in Plougastel, France. In Moyenmoutier, an attempt was made on Sunday, November 26 to disable the speed camera on the RD424. On the RD958, red spraypaint was used to blind a pair of speed cameras in Castelsarrasin and in La Ville-Dieu-du-Temple. The speed camera on the RD758 near Beauvoir-sur-Mer was destroyed with fire.

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