Photo Radar Damaged In Canada, France, Germany, UKLast week, speed cameras were grabbed, knocked down or painted in France, Germany and England.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
In Ontario, Canada, vigilantes on Sunday cut down the speed camera on Snyder's Road West -- the third attack on the device since July. In Cirencester, England, vigilantes grabbed the speed camera that had been issuing automated tickets on the A429 on Friday, December 8.
Vigilantes in Plettenberg, Germany, used red spraypaint to blind the speed camera on the B236 on Sunday, December 10. In Cannes, France, the speed camera on the Boulevard du Midi was destroyed on Saturday, December 9, after it failed to prevent an accident. A drunk behind the wheel of a Renault Clio slammed into the device, knocking it to the pavement.