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Speed Cameras Torched In France, Germany, Italy
Vigilantes last week took out a dozen speed cameras across France, Germany and Italy with fire, explosives and power tools.

French speed camera torched
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Several photo radar devices went up in flames in France last week. In Verquieres, vigilantes on Saturday torched the speed camera on the RD7N. On Wednesday, a pair pole-mounted "turret" speed cameras on the RD513 in Bavent and on the RD27 near Varaville were destroyed by fire. Vigilantes in Briord set the ablaze the speed camera on the RD19 on Monday, March 11. Around the same time, the turret speed camera on the RD155 in Canton d'Antrain was likewise set on fire. The speed camera on the RD385 in Val d'Oingt was blinded with silver spraypaint on March 1.

In Isera, Italy, on Friday, vigilantes, cut down the speed camera on Strada Provinciale 90 using a jigsaw. In Pomezia, vigilantes last week blinded the speed camera on Via Gronchi with red spraypaint. Automated ticketing foes in San Martino di Lupari blew up the speed camera on Via Castellana with an explosive device on Sunday, March 10.

In Lubeck, Germany, three masked vigilantes on Monday, March 11, used an angle grinder to cut down the speed camera in front of Rehder Bridge, according to local police.

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