French Speed Cameras Wiped Out In GersMore than two dozen speed cameras were taken out last week in France and Germany.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
Dozens of European photo radar devices were taken out last week. In Hardifort, France, on Thursday, vigilantes blinded the speed camera on the RD916 with black spraypaint. In Gers, farmers united under the Rural Coordination 32 banner disabled 20 of the 22 speed cameras operating in the department on Tuesday. The group used various tarps to wrap what it called the "cash registers" so that they would no longer be able to issue automated tickets, depriving the government of significant revenue.
"Gers agriculture is no longer up for sale, our elected officials must keep their word," the farming group posted on Facebook. "Today, tarps are a warning, tomorrow tires will make our anger heard!" Tires refers to the practice of using gasoline-filled tires to set photo radar devices on fire.
In Longeault-Pluvault, vigilantes ripped open and burned the inner workings of the speed camera on the RD905 on Monday, August 19.
In Waldshut-Tiengen, Germany, vigilantes used black spraypaint on the lenses of the speed camera located on An der Gipsmuhle on Saturday, August 17.